Inspire App
Inspire App

Cross-Platform React-Native Mobile App with custom CMS integration for partnered trainers

Eurotravel Companion
Eurotravel Companion

Modern PWA built on Angular for mobile trip guides for corporate vacations

Deine Rechte U18
Deine Rechte U18 Web App

Modern PWA built on NuxtJS with the intuitive Contentful CMS

Schoolchecker Web App

Modern PWA built on NuxtJS with the intuitive Contentful CMS

Mindlifting Site
Mindlifting Website

Bootstrap UI-Kit based portfolio website with custom layouts.

Der Gesundheitsladen

Bootstrap UI-Kit based portfolio website with custom layouts and responsive grids.

Card image cap

A modern and playful Wordpress site with an up to date projects section, made for the VZFDK


with any questions or requests.